Wednesday, 6 April 2016

What is Wisdom? May 2009

hi there

pls see below question raised by my son and my answer, interesting question.


--- On Tue, 26/5/09, Kevin Fung <> wrote:

From: Kevin Fung
To: "Lydia Leung"
Received: Tuesday, 26 May, 2009, 10:33 PM


Very silly question. U know how everyone says that u see things more clearly with ur heart. How do we do that? How do we know that we are using our heart to see things? where does wisdom come from? Our heart? Or mind?

below is my answer to my son:

dear son,

tks for  your good and difficult question.  below is a quote by bernard shaw:

 "We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future."  Being responsible for your life and your future gives you the wisdom you need to fulfill your mission in life. Having a clear vision of your future gives you an unparalleled advantage when it comes to successful decision-making and achieving better results faster.

to further answer your question: first wisdom does not come from our mind, which is a storage area of all our past experiences, our knowledge, judgement based on what we know, prejudice, jealousy, etc. etc. etc.

it is not from our heart neither, because the heart, in medical terms, is a muscle or organ that pumps blood throughout the body.  i think the reason why people relates 'heart' to everything good, ie wisdom, good nature, etc. is because "HEART" is vital to life and is not abstract and can be easily related to, heart always means something good and importan, i.e. LIFE to people.

so, what is wisdom?

The true meaning of wisdom lies in taking responsibility for your future and having a clear purpose in your life.  have a clear vision about your future, your goals, be committed to achieve.  this will give you the driving force, motivation, sense of well being, and holds you up to your dreams.

in buddhism.  wisdom is like a jewel which we all have in our life, but not many people are aware of this treasure.  therefore, we can chant nam myo ho renge kyo to bring forth this treasure.

if you dont have a clear goal, chant nam myo ho renge kyo to have a clear goal, if you dont know how to handle a situation, chant to call forth your wisdom to have the know how, and you can also chant for call forward any help you need from your environment to help you achieve your goals, because we are all interelated.

i hope the above answers your questions.  i have more detailed and interesting iexplanation on wisdom and am attaching for your info.  very practical, down to earth and easy to understanding excellent info.



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