Sunday, 3 April 2016

Relationships Jan. 2016

my dear friends and family

below is guidance from President Ikeda on how to better parents and children relationships which has been requested by a member in toronto.

thought i'd share with you which could prove to b e useful not only in parent and children relationships, but in all kinds of relationships, ie marriages, work colleagues, friends, etc.:


Family discord and communication breakdown between parents and children,” he said, “are not recent developments, but problems that people have suffered over since the beginning of time.

 I am sure that there are those who, even though they practice the Daishonin’s Buddhism, have challenging relationships with their sons or daughters, or with their daughter-in-laws, or perhaps with their spouses.

“In the end, the only way to heal these rifts in human relationships is through our Buddhist practice—that is, through expanding our life condition, changing inside, and carrying out our human revolution based on faith.

“Our parents, partners, siblings, and children are all part of the environment in which we find ourselves, and we are bound to them through karmic ties. We cannot escape from our reality.

“What are we to do, then? Instead of blaming our relationship problems on others, we can decide to change ourselves. For example, if a mother carries out her human revolution and her children begin to think she’s the best mother, then their whole attitude toward her will change and they’ll treat her with greater kindness. The same is true of our relationships with our partners.

“If we continually blame our children or partner, without reflecting on ourselves and striving to carry out our own human revolution, then we will never break through our situation.

Nichiren Daishonin writes: ‘There are not two lands, pure or impure in themselves. The difference lies solely in the good or evil of our minds’ (WND-1, 4). It is important for us to look at our situations from the perspective of Buddhism.

“Whether our home and family relationships move in the direction of harmony and become a ‘pure land,’ or end up more strained and unpleasant, becoming an ‘impure land,’ all depends on our inner determination.

Chant  daimoku  (the title of the Lotus Sutra: Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo) earnestly to polish your character and cultivate a big, kind heart to warmly embrace your family, a strong invincible spirit, and rich wisdom. Bringing flowers of happiness to bloom in your families will become a powerful force for advancing kosen-rufu in your community.”

From Lydia:
When we chant Nam Myo Renge Kyo, we bring forth the best from within: wisdom, courage, compassion, life force, which is known in buddhsim as Buddhahood, and in western society, called Potential.
If we can bring forth these inner qualities, we see things differently, we understand the reasons of the problems we are facing, have the wisdom to know the solutions, and have the courage and life force to take action to solve these problems.
Buddhism teaches that whatever suffering we are facing, the cause lies within ourselves.  By changing the Causes from within, we will see changes in our situations, environments and relationships.                 Jan. 2016

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