Sunday, 3 April 2016

Letter from Estella March 2011


I believe that you’ll get well very soon. Meanwhile, please take very good care of yourself !!!

Having read your mail, it seems that you have had tons of things to do and number of guys to look after… Now the focus is you yourself lah!! Our Buddha, Gohonzon, just gave you a signal that you should be nice to yourself and should have some rests now. Please know that: 休息是爲了走更遠的路未來廣宣流布還很靠你的呢!

I suddenly remember that Nichiren Daishonin 日蓮大聖人 taught us in Gosho () “Gladness in misery”. (遇難喜悅) … If nothing difficult ever happened in our life, it would be empty and lackluster. We would not experience joy nor would we grow. I found that though you are in your hardship, you are still very positive and you can always cheer up yourself with the things you are delighted of, I strongly feel that what 聖訓 told us "遇難喜悅", you, as a good disciple of Gohonzon, have realized it! You are a very good example to us.

May I “congratulate” you in your suffering? (Ha…ha…ha…) All because you get another chance to transcend something originally bad in your destiny into a state of happiness! 你又有一次宿命轉換的機會了多好!  I know you can gracefully demonstrate how to change poisons into medicines (變毒爲藥)!  Many people are waiting to share your experience of triumph! However, in my opinion, you’ve already won the battle!!!

To certain extent, this is really a kind of blessing!

Our faith allows us to burn with infinite hopes and to realize our dreams. I truly believe! Whatever unfortunate circumstances one may come across now, if we chant, we can overcome all darkness, gloominess, sadness, grief, and unhappiness… You are now the one and will be the one to let people well understand the Mystic Law (妙法)! You have your mission ga!!!

Again, take perfectly good care of yourself. All the best !!!

Nam-myo-ho- renge-ky0 x 3

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