Wednesday, 6 April 2016

Nana's handbag - by Chloe July 2013

Chloe is my granddaughter

she wrote:

Yesterday Nana and I experienced a funny yet extremely lucky situation.

 We arrived at Nuremberg in the afternoon, and we headed towards the exit of the railway station. As Nana and I walked, without realizing, Nana had dropped her handbag. It doesn't sound like a big deal, until you hear that inside it had all the money, credit cards, passports, and her personal ID card. 

Nana did not notice she dropped it, and she walked a couple steps forward until, a woman pointed it out to her that she had dropped her bag behind her, and a man picked it up for her. 

After Nana picked it up, she was in utter shock of how lucky we were. After this, nana began saying how her chanting and helping people, makes people help her as well, and that is why it wasn't stolen. 

Whilst we were eating lunch, we were both having a conversation of what the possibilities would be if we did lose her handbag. Such as being stranded in Germany with no money or identities and no way of getting back to Hong Kong. We thought about who we would call first. We both constantly repeated the words 'We're going to die!' which seemed to lighten the mood. What a funny story :) 

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