Saturday, 16 April 2016




大聖人不是曾承諾我們的禱告一定會有效的嗎?我們所有的祈禱都一定有效,但有時答案是“不!” 因為有時如果我們祈禱的東西,是對我們不好的話,答案就會是“不。”






如果你的生命充滿了迷妄,無論你多麼真誠或努力的工作你都會不快樂您將繼續在亳不知情下種下和不好的因,並延續你的業力,這將導致進一步的痛苦。你消除你的痛苦的願望會升得更高。這就是為什麼有時,好像你越是試圖改變某種情況, 而那情況就會變得更糟糕。

當我們痛苦時,我們就可以向御本尊面前唱迥祈求智慧,令我們看到我們痛難的根源並做出正確的行動。智慧能使我們能夠打破這個因果的枷鎖. 如果你不求智慧,你不會找到它

我們在生活裏時常會發覺在走同一樣的路,作出相同的決定,做同樣的事情。但我們從來沒有醒來, 發現我們永遠在兜圈子,總是回到同一個地方回來。


Friday, 15 April 2016



「 我與先生相處不來 ,是要繼續忍耐呢?還是分開好呢?」


父母感情融洽當然最好。可是雙親離異也不能斷言小孩就會變壞, 反而,很多人 就是 從這種困境當中茁壯成長。

關鍵在於要站在自己的立場,深深自省 ,徹底挑戰自己的人間革命,然後再做決定。只要擁有強盛的信心,最後必定獲得幸福。不管遇到什麼事都不退轉,只要抱持進取、貫徹廣宣流布布的信心,最後一定會獲勝。只要明白這一點就夠了

萬一離婚了就不要耿耿於懷,就當作得到寶貴經驗,比以往更認真廣布即可。 同時也希望週圍的人給予溫暖 的關懷。即使成為單親家庭也不必感到寂寞,要抱著『可以 結交更多友情』 這種寬大的胸襟來面對人生。
夫妻之間 最重要的是愛情與慈悲, 此外 ,就看雙方是否能夠一起唱題,追求最高的人生目的與幸福。

雖說是夫妻,兩人原本也是外人,所以 要互相忍耐,努力理解對方,否則家庭無法圓滿。


『幸福』要有忍耐作為後盾。很多人夢想能夠擁有不用忍耐的幸福,那畢竟是夢, 是童話世界,是幼稚、安逸的人生 ,所以,才會有許多夫妻關係破裂。 原本 一心想追求幸福, 卻淪於不幸。

攜手努力 『一起建設家庭吧!』彼此忍讓『 一起前進吧!』 夫妻要有這樣的共識,才能孕育真正的愛情。愛情是要歷久彌深的, 無法加深愛情,只能停留在『喜歡、不喜歡』的層次。

應讓家庭的氣氛明朗。下決心只要有自己在, 不論何時整個家都會明朗起來。只要自己成為太陽,世上便無陰霾;只要有一個人成為太陽,就能照耀全家。
           譯自《大白蓮華》 /聖教新聞

Thursday, 14 April 2016

妹妹 - Dec. 2015

昨天晚上我和妹妹做完勤行之後,我去樓下gym 做運動一小時,回家後竟然見妹妹还在唱題.

原來我走了後,她还continue 唱了一小時題目,我对她説,你如果以后都是这样信心,你將會越來越好


賣屋 - 很好的体驗


"最近我遇到一個問題, 係需要我一定要去解決同跨越; 退縮或者唔理佢係無可能, 因為我覺得今次係無得返轉頭,  唯一就係向前將問題解決, 但正正係咁, 今次體驗令我大大加強咗對日蓮佛法嘅信心

事緣係咁, 由於計劃不足, 經驗不足, 而且初初係無咁緊急, 加上外在因素, 後來我發覺自己急需在好短時間內賣出間屋, 因為如果達唔到目標, 結果就係好大嘅經濟損失, 兩萬元的首期

間屋已經放上市場出售, 星期六日重安排咗開放日, 都有好多人來睇樓, 好少通過預約睇樓, 開放日俾我好壓力, 因為我日日都要執好間屋, 要執到見得人; 過咗兩個星期都無好嘅出價, 我開始好擔心, 而且開始覺得無希望
我記得讀過御書"法華經兵法事"裡面一句有關遇到困難時應有嘅態度, 後來我知道"心唯貴耳"係指”對妙法嘅信心係決定勝負嘅根本" 於是我將問題交俾御本尊, 祈求一定要搵到解決方法

我開始加強題目, 而且決意一定要將煩惱跨越; 當時有買家出價, 不過價錢並未達到我預期. 到咗第三個星期我開地區座談會時將問題向其他會友講, 佢地鼓勵我, 我要好感謝大家嘅題目, 我繼續唱唸確信嘅題目, 祈求要遇上合適嘅買家

到咗星期四, 我收到一個短訊話下午一時有人睇樓, 於是早上唱題時我祈求依個一定係合適嘅買家, 而且向著合我心目中一個合理嘅價錢祈求
睇完樓後, 下午繼續又唱題, 果然有好消息, 買家要求同日晚上七時再睇過, 於是收到短訊後我當然繼續又唱題, 且. 到晚上十點,買家同意用我要求的價錢成交,重無任何附帶條件, 如按揭或成交日

我可以決定成交日, 對我嚟講真係一個解脫, 因為另一方面我新屋要如期成交, 所以我真係覺得好妙; 無晒壓力無晒顧慮, 我終於可以鬆一口氣
依個可算係第一個真正考驗我信心嘅煩惱, 因為我一定唔可以退縮, 只可以面對同跨越佢

Experience by: Jay Toronto Young Mens Division - Dec. 6, 2016


有朋友問: 如果祈求对自己有利而他人有害會不會成功?







How to hold a successful meeting

Below are conversations on how to run a successful meeting:

[23/11/2015 2:05 pm] Tina Chan: Lydia, Peggie, I also want to learn more how to make the class more interactive, so far our class is more listen and we sometimes we also 懇談 but still not too satisfactory

[23/11/2015 2:32 pm] Lydia Leung😊
  • Try to make them laugh 
  • Sense of humor does a great job😄
  • Start from yourself 
  • Say something of interest to everyone 
  • Your own experience or others 
  • Say it with enthusiasm in a clear voice 
  • Sharp  n to the point
  • Don't drag 
  • Ppl don't have much patience these days unless u strike their cords
  • Having said the above the most important thing is for us to chant for a happy successful gathering
  • Lecture should be kept short
  • Try Not to read toooooo much from print outs
  • If possible speak main points stead of reading 
  • Invite +pick someone and ask if they have experience to share
  • Ppl love to hear experience s
  • Try to make your topics lively
  • 懇談may sound a bit too serious 
  • Make it seem like a friendly gathering
  • Your sincere concern n care about members well being n happiness is key to success
[23/11/2015 2:37 pm] Lydia Leung😊
A Japanese senior member gave a talk in a big gathering
When asked questions there was only one response 
He said he knew he would only get one response 
BECAUSE he only paid one home visit 
N the response came from that one person!!!!!!

[23/11/2015 2:38 pm] Lydia Leung😊: Tina glad u asked
Take action n u will get a A happy lively successful meeting😄😃😀




[03/11 11:32 am] Lydia Leung😊: 她撐著拐仗來探家姐,大家多了時間講心事。這妺妹一向與母親關係不好,想起就不䦕心。雖然母親已去世,但她還是耿耿於懷。家姐好言相勸,並悉心照料,她感到十分溫暖。「其實這事已經過去很久,何必難為自己呢?」她突然有智慧起來。從佛法角度看,父母是自己選的,一定有其理由,不會無緣無故的。能夠成為親人,定是宿緣深厚,應好好相處,消除業障,才會幸福。如果長期因為対方做了些自己不認同的事,或不好聽的説話,更要積極自我檢討,以免變成毒素,致令自己得上頑疾。

把這充滿智慧的法門- 佛法- 傳開去吧!

[4/11/2015 3:37 am] Lydia Leung😊: 什麽叫做婚姻宿業?

[4/11/2015 3:37 am] Lydia Leung😊: 婚姻宿業就是我们的伴侣令我们痛苦,甚致要離婚!如不能轉换,就算離婚,再遇到的人也是相同的現象,只是換湯不换薬!

[4/11/2015 3:39 am] Yuen Ting: 夫婦間由「戀愛」開始,變为「努力」,接着「忍耐」,轉为「灰心」而最後到達到「感謝」,中途一切纠葛,都会變成幸福的点缀。
[4/11/2015 3:39 am] ‪+852 6687 2033‬: 我地係咪點擇婚姻宿業都會出來?
[4/11/2015 3:40 am] Yuen Ting: 今次祈世的体驗剛也講得好清楚。
[4/11/2015 3:48 am] Lydia Leung😊: 但努力佛法可改變任何不好宿業

如何对話 - Oct 2015

以下是我和英国會友的討論.最後兩段除了講佛法之外,同人對話也可用來參考. 很多時我們只管自說自話, 完全不理會別人反應, 便會得不到最佳效果.

[28/10 6:06 pm] Stella英国: Hi Lydia, thank you the message.

[28/10 6:29 pm] Stella英国: 最近,鼓励個朋友,佢姐姐肺癌末期。過去一年多,經過不同化療也無法將癌细胞打死。佢姐姐也是我好朋友,我曾用佛法鼓勵她們,可能說話太直接,相反,講太多吧,佢哋覺得我 好 “阻訂”

[28/10 6:44 pm] Christine英国: 是的,有时講的多别人会覚得很煩。其實每個人与佛都講縁份的.

[28/10 7:06 pm] Lydia Leung😊: 你的慈悲己播下佛種

[28/10 10:23 pm] Stella蔡月明英国: 但願如此!

[28/10 11:36 pm] Lydia Leung😊: 也是時的問題,但己下種,將來她—定會再遇这佛法,我们用心便可。



Tuesday, 12 April 2016

$10 (十塊錢) April 12, 2016

my dear friends and family,

tonight at my son, kevin's chanting meeting, we talked about the importance of appreciation.

later i drove a member back home.  on the way, she said she has to appreciate more instead of just asking for benefits.  so i said: yes, the more you appreciate, the more you get.  


afterwards, this same member and i went to a supermarket together.  as we were walking out of the supermarket, suddenly a lady came after me and gave me back $10 which dropped out of my pocket.

Actually this kind of  incident happened to me twice  when i was travelling alone in South America (a notoriously dangerous place for travellers)  a few years ago:

1. As i was getting out of a taxi in a bus station in Argentina, I droped a roll of money from my pocket without realizing it, and got on a coach ready to head for chile.  a guy suddently rushed up onto the coach and gave me back the roll of money which fell out from my pocket!!!

2. when i was in a park in Chile, i dropped some money on the floor after paying for a gift,  a guy next to me was quick to tell me about it and gave me back my money.

having been told about my story is one thing, and to have seen it with your own eyes is another.  tonight  this member witnessed the actual incident when the $10 was handed back to me.  she is very encouraged and will appreciate more in life.

glad to share.




$ 10

後來,我和她一同去了一家超市買東西。當我們走出超市時,突然一個女仕從後走來我身旁,給$ 10,說是從我的口袋跌出來的。


第一次是我在阿根庭車站下的士時一卷錢從我的口袋裡跌出來。當時我沒發覺, 然後上了一架旅遊車準備去智利, 突然一位男仕追上旅遊車,給回我從我的口袋裡掉出來的一卷錢!


聽我談我的故事是一回事,但用自己的眼睛親眼看到又是另一回事。今晚這位會員目睹了實証:  真有人拾起$ 10还給我。這對她是非常大的鼓勵和會令她更加識感恩

Friday, 8 April 2016


my dear friends and family, 

Andrew has left for hong kong.  before he left he asked me to help him feed his fishes
I normally dont care much about his fishes
However buddhism teaches me to respect life so I start feeding them everyday
Watching them eat is fun
They make a lot of noise when eating 嗒嗒声好有趣
I begin to enjoy this10 min feeding time everyday
Sitting in the backyard,watching them eat, enjoying the sun, the quiet moment, the fresh air, i feel very relaxed n at peace.
often, when we help others we end up helping  ourselves😀


Thursday, 7 April 2016

"Talk" to the Gohonzon - theory and practice - jan. 2007

below is an email i sent to a member in 2007 expressing my views on the best way to encourage new members.

dear                ,

tks for sharing the info.  yes, you are right in quoting from the gosho, etc.

i hope u realize  that you are talking from a very intellectual and educated level.  also, yes, it is 100% true in what you have quoted, and also i agree with what you have said about manifestation of the law in ourselves.

however, for people who have reallly struggled (i mean to the point of desperation), it would be most helpful to talk to them and encourage them, in ordinary language, translating the difficult theories into ordinary daily language to help them understand. say things that will be pleasing to their ears (this is also from the hoben chapter)

actually i am talking about myself.  at the time of my desperation, if you quote me all the difficult theories, i can honestly tell you that i would not be interested.  what people at this stage want to hear is that they will be helped, and everything will be OK.

yes, you can chant and chant, and you DO NOT see the results, i had this experience.  when i chanted for..............,  i did everything i could but nothing turned up, i suffered soooo much, to the extent that i knelt on the floor (i was in a hotel then), cried my heart out and asked the gohonzon'WHAT HAVE I DONE WRONG, WHAT HAVE I GOT TO DO, WHAT HAVE I GOT TO CHANGE, AND WHAT HAVE I GOT TO LEARN' to achieve my goal.

on return to hongkong, all the answers came (yes, you are right), some of the answers came from friends and familes, telling me that i have the wrong focus, i was too snobbish, etc., and that i have a lot to change and learn.

without this asking, i would not (or it will take me much much much longer) be able to achieve my goal in a reasonably short span of time.

sometimes, when we chant for an apple, you get an orange, and without hesitation, you would turn the orange away not knowing that you need all the vitamin c's from the orange, it is at this time that we need to ask the gohonzon (the highest intelligence, or our higher self) as to why we get the orange.  in this way, both our wisdom and faith will spring forth.

if we tell ordinary people, when they are in deep trouble, that their suffering can be a source of nourishment for others, (or even congratulate them for having this suffering) they are not going to like this at all.  yes, it takes people with deep deep faith and trust to be able to appreciate this, or after they have gone thru their suffering and looking back to realize that this is the case.

of course, i know that buddhism can help us in our daily lives, this is 100% true, but there is also a formula (again, because you are very much into theory, you do not like to hear me using the word formula), but, we do need to know how to apply this mystic law in our daily lives to help ourselves, and, from experience, a lot of members i have come across DO NOT know how to do this, that is why i am very anxious to tell others what i have learned in my years of practice.

when u say 'why should we even get what we chant for?"  buddhism says that life is to be enjoyed, we have every right to be happy.  and whatever that can bring us happiness, we can chant for and get it.  yes, with our buddhism teaching, we know that the end result is that, because we can feel the power of chanting, and of the mystsic law, and after getting what we want, we are soooo happy that we would like to share the joy with others, to tell them about chanting.

yes, u are right in saying that when we chant for something for ourselves, but the intention is to help others, THEN YOU WILL GET WHAT YOU WANT MUCH MUCH FASTER.  when i chanted for a husband, other than wanting a husband for myself, i also wanted to use myself as a living proof of this buddhism to encourage other women with relationship problems, i was very very determined to do this.  i had a cocktail reception in hongkong and invited almost 200 members to attend, and i was so pleased to tell u that a lady, an sgi member came to me at the cocktail and said, "lydia, my husband deserted me and our son, i have lost everything, but seeing u, i have hope"

dear___________, whatever i am saying to you now, its all from my real life experience.  i am glad i can share with you.


Words, dreams and thoughts - Jan. 2007

Below is info i received from a friend in hong kong in 2007, after almost 9 years, what she says are still true, sooooo true.

Your words, your dreams, and your thoughts are shaping the events of the future

What you speak about, you can bring about

If you keep saying you can't stand your job, you might lose your job.

If you keep saying you're always broke, guess what? You'll always be broke.

If you keep saying you can't trust a man or trust a woman,you will always find someone in your life to hurt and betray you.

If you keep saying you can't find work,you will remain unemployed.

If you keep thinking you can't find someoneto love you, or believe in you,then this thought will attract moreexperiences to confirm your beliefs

Turn your thoughts and conversations aroundto be beneficial, positiveand power-packed with faith, hope and action.

Don't be afraid to believe that you can have what you want and deserve.

Watch your "Thoughts,"they become words;

Watch your "Words,"they become actions;

Watch your "Actions,"they become habits;

Watch your "Habits,"they become character;

Watch your "Character",for it becomes your "Destiny"

  To prevent any obstacle.......
every minute you live!!

Your mind vs your heart - by my son Kevin nov. 2005

Dear family, 

   I was chanting just now when I have that strong acknowledgement that our minds and hearts (well this is my perception) appear to be two seperate entities, both very strong and very empowering. 

     The core of karma and negativity, in my case, appears to be all the clogging of bad and irrelevant thoughts in my mind, and tends to accumulate as time passes by. These accumulated thoughts exerts energy and forces (whether it is positive or negative), as a result controlling your whole body including your heart , which is why there are so many 'self-help' books that sought to explore our minds, our conscience, how to overcome the negative forces in our mind etc. The essence of buddhism and practice, the sense of "sprituality", hence, comes to play a very significant part in relation to the notion.

   My mind has always been a very very empowering and overwhelming agent to me. It controls my thoughts, my actions, my behavior, in short, it controls everything of me, e.g, my addiction to cigarette smoking is the perfect example. 

Nichiren Daishonin once said, your mind is most unreliable thing on earth, to be honest I totally agree with him. The significance of chanting and practicing our buddhism, hence, is to learn how to realize those thoughts and to implement more positive ones where positive forces and energy can be brought forth as a result.

 Listen to your heart is another thing that I realize I dont normally do. When people say "listen to your heart" or "follow yor heart",  what is this it? to let go of your mind and to start listen what your heart has got to say? 

When we chant, I was told, we have to focus on the word 'myo' and listen to your daimokus. The focus takes away all your thoughts  and to gain serenity out of chanting, well, the idea here, to me, is a way to start getting in contact with your heart, and today I really had that strong feel of connection. I just cannot believe how much my heart has got to say to me!!! You know maybe this is why people who tend to think less are happier, its not because they are stupid, but maybe empowerment is less significant to them, and/or there is more of a collaboration between the heart and mind. 

      The idea of which follows which, from a positive perspective, appears to be a chicken and egg question but really to learn how to let go of those clogging thoughts is important, because those thoughts can haunt  you for lives. Moreover, If you have a good heart, you own the most pure thing on earth, which is why when we practice buddhism we learn how-to "uncover the hay and dust and get the real pearl out"... (its a chinese saying that everyone including Kit che says). We can all be buddhists if we have a pure mind and heart because wisdom  derives where pure mind and hearts enable to us to think, see and feel things more clearly. 

     This may all seem very abstract, but chanting sure saves me alot of good bucks from buying those "self-help" books. We dont need help, we need to be enriched and to be enhanced!

Wednesday, 6 April 2016

How to chant for an ideal job - March 2010

have faith, trust in the gohonzon, trust that you will have a good future, and start chanting for happiness  and an ideal job which has the following elements: 

  1. enables you to contribute to kosen rufu,
  2. a job which will help you grow,
  3. enables you to gain satisfaction,
  4. good salary
  5. that you will appreciate and be appreciated,
  6. with good support from seniors and colleagues,
  7. easy transportation
  8. good and nice environment
  9. the company should have steady and sound financial standing
  10. chance for promotion

My heart is full of Joy! 我心充滿喜悅! Oct 2013

tonight my sister and I arrived at the SGI Toronto cultural centre in Caledon - 1 1/2 hrs from Toronto to attend a Chinese training course for four days.  this is the main purpose of my coming to Canada - to attend this conference.

到達後我心充滿喜悅。這中心是池田會長送給加拿大會友的禮物. 會址非常漂亮,寛敞,設備完善,更有美麗的住宿套房。

i can still remember that back in 1996, when I  attended this conference for the first time , I was feeling low, having had yet another broken relationship,  and my life was at its rock bottom.  with continual effort in our Buddhist practice, now, my life has been completely transformed.
as I arr at the centre at about 7.30 pm, my heart was full of joy. this centre had been donated by president Ikeda.  it's beautiful, clean, smart, spacious with nice accommodation for participants, and lots of comfortable meeting areas for members to share and encourage each other. (pls see photos)
its such a GREAT fortune to me to be able to attend this training course.
the theme of this meeting is
 "if you follow the fortune path to Buddhahood:
 your  benefits will be like blossoming flowers"
after chanting, the leader read to us President Ikea's message and I am sharing a couple of sentences which are so meaningful and encouraging:
"regardless of the situation you are in, its important to keep pressing forward with courageous faith.  Always live your life in bright spirits with stout-hearted optimism.  Faith is thegreatest driving force for victory in life.
Those who uphold the Mystic Law (nam myo ho renge kyo) can create the most glorious history when faced with themost severe trials and hardships"
will share more with you soon.  have to go to bed now.  tomorrows wake up call is 7.15 am, but I so much look forward to all events forthcoming.
cheers and good night.

What is the Mystic Law? - Feb. 2014

what is the mystic law?

in simple terms, the mystic law is the law of life, the law of the universe.

what is the law of life?  it could be very simple or complex.  in short, everything that happens in life (whether its lives of human, animals, plants or planets) is governed by a rhythm, or a law: which includes time (24 hrs in a day, 7 days a week, 365 days per day), seasons (spring, summer, autumn and winter), cause and effect, birth, old age, sickness, death and so on, and on.

life is very mysterious. we know there is power of gravity, wind, fire, tsunami, which is the power ofthe earth; but we cannot see these powers with our eyes, and even scientists fail to understand theorigin source of energy behind: but we all recognize its power. 

take our bodies for example.  when we cut our skin, it will heal.  we know the process, but why??? what is the energy and force behind??? look at animals, birds fly south in the winter to stay away from the cold (without any compass), bears in the north turn urine into protein to feed themselves during hibernation in the winter (NO one can explain HOW it could be done).  since we cannot explain the WHY and HOW, which answers can be beyond our human minds at this moment, we call it MYSTIC.  yes, life is mystic, and buddhism call it the mystic law.

all living beings on earth and in the universe are made of the same elements, scientists call them 'star dust", chinese call them the five elements: metal, wood, water, fire and earth.  it is to be noted that  we are one and part of the  universe and contain within our own lives all the power that theuniverse has.

the universe exists in a certain rhythm, the way earth revolves around the sun, and the moon aroundthe earth, there are 24 hrs per day, 7 days per week,1 2 months in a year, all follow a rhythm.   this rhythm or path  MUST be correct , or all planets will crash with each other. 

if we follow correctly the rhythm of the universe, then we will be able to do the right thing at the right time.

for example, farming.  if we can sow seeds in the spring, continue to fertilize, water in thesummer, then in autumn, we will be able to get good crops for harvest, and let ourselves and thesoil  rest in the winter, ready for another seeding in the next spring.    if we can follow this rhythm, then (discounting human destruction such as soil contamination, global warming, etc)  we are sure to have good harvest.

in daily living, there is also a certain pattern.  if we sleep at night, wake up in the morning, then go to work or do whatever activities,  and rest again at night, then we will have better heath.  violate this pattern, stay up at night and sleep during day time, we will get sick.

statistics show that people who always have night shifts are more likely to have cancer.

eating regularly, breakfast, lunch and dinner will also promote health.  skipping one will definitely have negative impact on our bodies in the long run.

in winter, we put on more clothes to keep warm, and in summer we put on less

these are all basic laws of life, which seem to be easy, however, lots and lots of people, for various reasons, violate this pattern, and end up getting sick or misfortune.

chanting nam myo ho renge kyo (nam means devote, myoho is the mystic law, renge is the lotus flower - which symbolizes cause and effect at the same time, and kyo is sound)  carries a rhythm, such rhythm can put us back with the rhythm of the universe (some people call it 'be one with theuniverse' ) . as a result, we will bring forth our highest potential and power  (buddhism calls it buddhahood - which means wisdom, courage, compassion, life force, peace and happiness) and will be able to do the right thing at the right time, and meet the right people and say the right things, thereby life becomes MUCH easier, we will be happier, healthier and very fortunate.

of course, there are more examples and more complex explantions, but i have tried my best to explain in simple terms and words.

hope it helps.

glad to share :)


Climbing Mountains - July 2007

hi there
today after attending another lecture on business management with andrew (and i am going to share some wonderful views with you tomorrow), i read a passage from the 'national geographic' which talks about exactly the same subject i learned today, and it reads as follows:
the following is from a mountain climber who tackles  peaks in alaska, canada, tanzania, kenya and the congo:
"every ascent gave me the joy of accomplishment.  each had something to teach.  lesson no. one: how to 'handle situations'.  learn to be calm in the face of chaos.  
Lesson no. two: perseverance. 'if you have to crawl on hands and knees, you are going to get there'.
the last lesson: observation.  pay attention to details, the weather, your gear and every step you take.
climbing mountains stretches you physically and mentally.  you tap reserves you never knew you had.  doubt evaporates.  you know who you are and what you can do.
this is exactly what i have been taught by my buddhists teaching in the last ten years: stay calm, peservere and trust.  trust in yourself, trust in your own ability, trust in the abundance of the universe, trust that you will have a good future, etc......., trust and all that you trust will materialise. very useful, right?