Saturday, 26 March 2011

a leisurely 4 hour

Today andrew works in the morning and plays mahjong in the afternoon and evening.  I have a WHOLE DAY to myself, without having to worry about cooking dinner, how nice. 

I drove downtown, got a 50% discount voucher for 4 hour parking and spent a leisurely afternoon downtown.  I went to a food court for a bowl of BBQ and wonton noodle soup 义燒云吞湯麵 for $9.30.  I even had one wonton with a shrimp inside!!! this is totally unheard of because wontons in sydney are only made of pork.  I thoroughly enjoyed my noodles, oblivious of the noise.

Afterwards i strolled around, window shopping and looking at passers by, like a tourist.  Then I went for a Thai massage because my back is still sore.  The massage was real good.  How I enjoyed this 4 hours.

A long time ago I read an article naming the 10 Greatest things in life, and one of them is:

The Greatest Enjoyment in Life is "LEISURE".
人生 最大的享受是悠閑!

its true.


andrew 今天早要返診所開工, 下午和晚上打麻我有整天自己的時間而不必擔心要煮真開心。

我開車到市中心,買了一張50%的折扣4小時停車,花了一个悠閒的下午.我去了一個美食廣場, 吃了一碗$9.30的雲吞面湯麵我什至發現有一個雲吞裡面這完全是聞所未聞的,因為在悉尼所有餛飩是豬肉做的。我徹底享受我的,無視周圍的噪音

後來我周圍散步,逛街,欣賞著路人,好像遊客一樣然後因為我的背部仍然疼痛, 所以我去了做泰式按摩按摩司的技術真正的好我多麼的享受4個小時啊。

很久以前我看過一篇文章,命名為: 人生10樣最偉大的東西其中之一是:



1 comment:

  1. so true...every time I stop worrying about what I have to do, and take time off - when I get back to the tasks the next day - they get done in half the time. claudia
