During the past week chloe, my granddaughter, had attended kevin's one hour chanting meeting on Tuesday, a discussion meeting on Thursday and another one on Friday.she attended these meetings with absolutely no complaints. Then on Saturday she received two good news! These are surely benefits she gets from her Buddhist practice.
below is message Chloe sent to me:
"Hi nana, a few days ago i had begun to worry about some problems that have risen in my registration process for next year of uni. I then emailed an advisor for help.
Another worry i had been having is being put on a long waiting list for uni housing in Sept. In the past few months this2situation has not improved much.
This morning i got a reply from the advisor who has completed my registration for me.
This morning i got a reply from the advisor who has completed my registration for me.
At the same time I also found that I had moved up five places in the waiting list. I am now almost at the top and will have a good chance to get housing
All happened this morning, I am very happy."
Chloe 在上星期六寫了一個短訊给我, 說最近困擾她的兩個問題在同一个上午解決了。
1。她在大學登記時有困難,所以她請求大學顧問教她, 怎知在星期六上午那顧問告訴她已代她成功登記了。
2。她在申請大學宿舍時,被列入候選名單很低之位, 數月以來都無大進展,怎知在星期六得知她提升了五个位置, 現在差不多已是候選最高位!
上星期,chloe參加了一小時的唱題會及兩個研討會, 而每晚亦和我一起唱題半小時,所以同一天內兩個問題都解決了, 真是佛法的實証!
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