Sunday, 19 July 2015


July 18, 2015

上週我參加了一個SGI研討會, 其中一位會員說,她在十月將被轉移到一個新的工作岡位在,她对這未知的將來有小小担心。

Fear of the Unknown

July 18

last week when i attended a sgi discussion meeting, a member said she would be transferred to a new job in oct/nov and she is a bit anxious for fear of the unknown.
I remember reading a story about a very old guy who was going to be admitted into a remote retirement home. His friends asked if he would be happy there and he said: of course i will be, because i have already determined that i will be happy there."
therefore i said to this member: your future is 'known', because you can chant nam myo ho renge kyo and determined to be happy, whatever you do and wherever you are.
our success, or failure in our life depends on just one moment of thought.
in buddhism this is called 'Ichinen sanzen'

Sunday, 5 July 2015


July 2, 2015




我感到非常驚訝,回頭一看, 見到坐在她對面的兒子是一位年齡大約廿多歲及智商稍微遲鈍的年輕人。

她顯得很驚訝。我沒有繼續告訴她的是:我已有三個孫子了!  (因為我知道這會嚇死了她)

回想起來,我知道這年輕人不是對我有興趣,而是因為我的慈悲, 每天唸南無妙法蓮華經, 努力做佛法修行及宣揚佛法, 令我的生命發出良好的振動力和頻律,令接近的人感到舒服。這個年輕人不是對我感興趣,而是他能感覺到我的好頻率,並想和我說話及分享。

唱唸喃'無妙法蓮華經' 可以將我們自身最好的能量帶動出來!

Funny event

July 2, 2015

am going to tell you something very funny.

this afternoon i went to a shopping centre and had my favorite chicken kebab.  when i had finished and stood up, a woman sitting right next to my table started to talk to me, she said: my son is interested....., i couldnt hear what she was saying and she repeated a couple of times.
then she said in a loud voice: "my son is interested in YOU! can we see you more often???"i was very surprised and looked at her son who was sitting opposite her.  i saw a slightly retarded young man below 30.
i didnt know how to respond and said: i am married, and have two children.
She seemed very surprised.  what i hadnt told her was: i also have three grandchildren, ( this will scare the ............ out of her.)😂
looking back, i think it is not me that he is interested in, its the good vibration i generate from my chanting, my compassion in people and my effort in buddhist practice that makes peope feel good.  this young man is not interested in me, but rather he could feel my good frequency and would like to share .
chanting nam myo ho renge kyo and efforts in kosen rufu can bring forth the best in us!

glad to share.