Sunday, 5 May 2013



 非常有意義,但有幾人能知? 又或知而能做到呢?   知易行難,
 主旨: 人生九悟
1.      心甘情願吃虧的人,終究吃不了虧。能吃虧的人,人緣必然好,人緣好的人,機會自然多。人的一生,能抓住 一兩 次機會,足矣!
 2.      愛佔便宜的人,終究佔不了便宜。撿到一棵草,失去一片森林。你看那些一到買單就上廁所或錢包半天掏不出來的聰明人,基本上都沒啥成就。
3.      心眼小的人,天地大不了。朋友聚會時,三句話不離自己和自家的人,是蝸牛轉世,內心空虛、自私。心裡只有自家的事,其他的事慢慢也就與他無關
4.      只有惜緣才能續緣。在人生的路上,我們會遇到很多人,其實有緣才能相聚,親人多半是前世的好友,好友多半是前世的親人,給你帶來煩惱的,多半是你前世傷害過的。因此切記:善待身邊的親人,關心身邊的朋友,寬恕那些傷害你的人。這就是因果
5.   心中無缺叫富,被人需要叫貴。快樂不是一種性格,而是一種能力。
6.      解決煩惱的最佳辦法,就是忘掉煩惱。(easier said than done! lydia)
7.      笑看風雲淡,坐對雲起時。不爭就是慈悲,不辯就是智慧,不聞就是清淨,不看就是自在,原諒就是解脫,知足就是放下。(easier said than done)
8.      不亂於心,不困於情,不畏將來,不念過往。(easier said than done)
9.      今生註定我們什麼也帶不走,那就活在當下、笑在當下、悟在當下!Yeah, sure.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

a lobster (突破)

sometime ago, I saw a documentary on ocean lives.  it showed a lobster trying to break through its shell.  I could see how hard it tried, squeezing, pushing, using all its might and energy to break through.
once it broke through, its body became much larger,  and was swimming freely and happily in the water.
in our daily life, we sometimes are thrown into shells by situations or circumstances,(i.e. death of family members, broken relationships, financial problems etc.)  or we are trapped in a shell which we create for ourselves. (i.e. low self esteem, loss of confidence in ourselves, uncertainly of our future etc.)
to breakthrough this shell, we need to exert our utmost determination and energy, knowing that once we breakthrough, we will grow, and be free and happy.
chanting nam myo ho renge kyo can give us the energy and strength and hope   to break through.
glad to share
在我們日常生活中,有時會因為某種情況,( 例如至親的死亡, 和至愛的關係破裂,或金錢上的困境等) 被困在一個痛苦的深淵裏; 又或我們被困在一個自己為自己製造的枷鎖裏:例如自卑,對自己失去信心,對我們的未來不明朗等.
要突破這個殼,我們需要用最大的決心和努力,但要知道, 一旦突破,我們將會得到成長, 並能享受到無比的自由和快樂。

Is chanting Nam Myo Ho Renge Kyo positive thinking?

Chanting is neither meditation, nor positive thinking, though it reaps the benefits of both these practices and much more. The essence of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is that in the very act of doing so we are expressing our Buddha nature. Meditation and positive thinking do not have Buddhahood as their objective. It is not possible to express Buddhahood through these means. Although meditation and positive thinking may have value they cannot change the fundamental element in our lives which makes us unhappy and unfulfilled as human beings —our karma, nor can they bring out the highest condition of life, Buddhahood.
Meditation is a more passive exercise than chanting; one usually calms one's mind by concentrating on a particular phrase or image. At first glance this may seem close to the practice of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism, but actually the difference is apparent. The practice of chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo enables us to express and experience our innate Buddhahood and release the powerful energy contained within that, rather than to calm our minds or negate certain ways of thinking.
Again, while it is true that our thinking does become more positive as a result of chanting, this is because chanting draws out our Buddhahood which, in turn, influences every aspect of our lives, both mental and physical. Therefore, chanting is not so much a question of "thinking positively" or exercising "mind over matter," which implies restriction; rather, through chanting, our highest state of life naturally influences our thoughts and actions towards the most valuable ends.